const consentListeners = []; window.ConsentListener = (callback) => { consentListeners.push(callback); }; const onConsentChange = (consent) => { consentListeners.forEach((callback) => { callback(consent); }); };


We are delighted to announce that the 9th Joint Transnational Call of the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed III has selected our project entitled "A liquid corneal glue-filler as an alternative to transplantation in high-risk patientsLIQD-CORNEA"


EuroNanoMed is a platform for funding agencies and ministries established since 2008. National and Regional research funding programmes join together with the goal of creating and funding collaborative research and innovation projects that can convert research in nanotechnology into practical gains in medicine.



The consortium composed of University of Montreal Canada, University of Life Sciences Tartu Estonia, Vilnius University Lithuania and OZ Biosciences France will develop injectable fillers based on artificial collagen and collagen-like peptide analogs for the treatment of corneal blindness


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