const consentListeners = []; window.ConsentListener = (callback) => { consentListeners.push(callback); }; const onConsentChange = (consent) => { consentListeners.forEach((callback) => { callback(consent); }); };
Viro-MICST Transduction Reagent allows genetically modifying cells directly on magnetic cell purification columns. Based on the i-MICST™ Technology (Integrated Magnetic Immuno-Cell Sorting and Transfection/Transduction), this technology combines cell isolation and genetic modification in one simple and reliable integrated system. For efficient and selective gene delivery to target cells, Viro-MICST can be used in combination with any viral vector and allows you to reduce cell manipulation steps and save time and material.
Highly efficient
Rapid, simple and ready to use
Suitable for all cells
Storage: +4°C
Shipping Conditions: Room Temperature
Catalog number | Unit Size | Price excl tax | Quantity / Buy |
VMX250 |
250 µL
VMX500 |
500 µL
VMX1000 |
1 mL
Bone marrow cells | Retrovirus/Lentivirus | ViroMICST | Sanchez-Antequera Y. Blood. 2011 Apr 21;117(16):e171-81. | |
hCBMC | Retrovirus/Lentivirus | ViroMICST | Sanchez-Antequera Y. Blood. 2011 Apr 21;117(16):e171-81. | |
HUC-MSC | Retrovirus/Lentivirus | ViroMICST | Sanchez-Antequera Y. Blood. 2011 Apr 21;117(16):e171-81. | |
Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Retrovirus/Lentivirus | ViroMICST | Sanchez-Antequera Y. Blood. 2011 Apr 21;117(16):e171-81. |
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