const consentListeners = []; window.ConsentListener = (callback) => { consentListeners.push(callback); }; const onConsentChange = (consent) => { consentListeners.forEach((callback) => { callback(consent); }); };
Mag4C Conservation Buffer can be added to viral stocks for long-term storage. It allows maintaining virus infectivity even after multiple freeze/thawing cycles. Two different buffers are available depending on the virus: Ad-Conservation Buffer for adenoviruses & Lv-Conservation Buffer for lentiviruses and retroviruses.
The Conservation Buffer:
1. Preserves virus infectivity during storage
2. Minimizes the loss of viral titers during storage and freeze/thaw cycles
3. Can be used to conserve viruses bound to Mag4C beads
Size: 1 mL
Storage: +4°C
Shipping Conditions: Room Temperature
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Catalog number | Unit Size | Price excl tax | Quantity / Buy |
ADB1000 |
Mag4C-AD Conservation Buffer 1 mL
LVB1000 |
Mag4C-LV Conservation Buffer 1 mL